Source code for pypowsybl.flowdecomposition.impl.flowdecomposition

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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, List, Callable, Optional
import pandas as pd
from pypowsybl import _pypowsybl
from pypowsybl._pypowsybl import ContingencyContextType, DefaultXnecProvider
from import Network
from pypowsybl.utils import create_data_frame_from_series_array
import pypowsybl.loadflow
from .parameters import Parameters

# enforcing some class metadata on classes imported from C extension,
# in particular for sphinx documentation to work correctly,
# and add some documentation
ContingencyContextType.__module__ = __name__

class FlowDecomposition:
    Allow to specify monitored elements and run a flow decomposition on a network.

    def __init__(self, handle: _pypowsybl.JavaHandle) -> None:
        self._handle = handle

    def __get_contingency_id(self, contingency_id_provider: Optional[Callable[[str], str]], element_id: str) -> str:
        return contingency_id_provider(element_id) if contingency_id_provider else element_id

    def add_single_element_contingency(self, element_id: str, contingency_id: str = None) -> FlowDecomposition:
        Add a contingency with a single element (1 N-1 state).

            element_id:     Id of the element
            contingency_id: If of the contingency. By default, the id of the contingency is the one of the element.
        if contingency_id is None:
            contingency_id = element_id
        return self.add_multiple_elements_contingency(elements_ids=[element_id], contingency_id=contingency_id)

[docs] def add_single_element_contingencies(self, element_ids: List[str], contingency_id_provider: Callable[[str], str] = None) -> FlowDecomposition: """ Add a contingency for each element (n N-1 states). Args: element_ids: List of elements contingency_id_provider: Function to transform an element id to a contingency id. By default, the identity function is used. """ for element_id in element_ids: self.add_multiple_elements_contingency(elements_ids=[element_id], contingency_id=self.__get_contingency_id(contingency_id_provider, element_id)) return self
[docs] def add_multiple_elements_contingency(self, elements_ids: List[str], contingency_id: str = None) -> FlowDecomposition: """ Add a contingency with multiple elements (1 N-k state). Args: element_ids: List of elements contingency_id: Id of the contingency. By default, the concatenation of each element id is used. """ if contingency_id is None: contingency_id = '_'.join(elements_ids) _pypowsybl.add_contingency_for_flow_decomposition(self._handle, contingency_id=contingency_id, elements_ids=elements_ids) return self
[docs] def add_monitored_elements(self, branch_ids: Union[List[str], str], contingency_ids: Union[List[str], str] = None, contingency_context_type: ContingencyContextType = ContingencyContextType.ALL) -> FlowDecomposition: """ Add branches to be monitored by the flow decomposition. This will create a XNEC for each valid pair of branch and state. You can select the type of states you want. If you provide contingency ids, do not forget to create them **before** calling this function. If no contingency ids are provided, elements added by this function will be XNE only. Args: branch_ids: List of branches to monitor contingency_ids: List of contingencies contingency_context_type: Defines if the branches should be monitored for all states (ALL by default), only N situation (NONE) or only specified contingencies (SPECIFIC) """ if contingency_context_type is not ContingencyContextType.NONE and contingency_ids: self.add_postcontingency_monitored_elements(branch_ids, contingency_ids) if contingency_context_type is not ContingencyContextType.SPECIFIC: self.add_precontingency_monitored_elements(branch_ids) return self
[docs] def add_precontingency_monitored_elements(self, branch_ids: Union[List[str], str]) -> FlowDecomposition: """ Add branches to be monitored by the flow decomposition on precontingency state (XNE(s)). Args: branch_ids: List of branches to be monitored """ if isinstance(branch_ids, str): branch_ids = [branch_ids] _pypowsybl.add_precontingency_monitored_elements_for_flow_decomposition(self._handle, branch_ids) return self
[docs] def add_postcontingency_monitored_elements(self, branch_ids: Union[List[str], str], contingency_ids: Union[List[str], str]) -> FlowDecomposition: """ Add branches to be monitored by the flow decomposition on postcontingency state (XNEC(s)). This will create a XNEC for each valid pair of branch and contingency. A pair is valid if the contingency does not contain the branch. Do not forget to create contingencies **before** calling this function. Args: branch_ids: List of branches to be monitored contingency_ids: List of contingencies """ if isinstance(branch_ids, str): branch_ids = [branch_ids] if isinstance(contingency_ids, str): contingency_ids = [contingency_ids] _pypowsybl.add_postcontingency_monitored_elements_for_flow_decomposition(self._handle, branch_ids=branch_ids, contingency_ids=contingency_ids) return self
[docs] def add_5perc_ptdf_as_monitored_elements(self) -> FlowDecomposition: ''' Add branches that have a zone to zone PTDF greater than 5% or that are interconnections to be monitored on a precontingency state (XNE). ''' _pypowsybl.add_additional_xnec_provider_for_flow_decomposition(self._handle, DefaultXnecProvider.GT_5_PERC_ZONE_TO_ZONE_PTDF) return self
[docs] def add_interconnections_as_monitored_elements(self) -> FlowDecomposition: ''' Add branches that are interconnections to be monitored on a precontingency state (XNE). ''' _pypowsybl.add_additional_xnec_provider_for_flow_decomposition(self._handle, DefaultXnecProvider.INTERCONNECTIONS) return self
[docs] def add_all_branches_as_monitored_elements(self) -> FlowDecomposition: ''' Add all branches of the network to be monitored on a precontingency state (XNE). ''' _pypowsybl.add_additional_xnec_provider_for_flow_decomposition(self._handle, DefaultXnecProvider.ALL_BRANCHES) return self
[docs] def run(self, network: Network, flow_decomposition_parameters: Parameters = None, load_flow_parameters: pypowsybl.loadflow.Parameters = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Runs a flow decomposition. Args: network: Network on which the flow decomposition will be computed flow_decomposition_parameters: Flow decomposition parameters load_flow_parameters: Load flow parameters Returns: A dataframe with decomposed flow for each relevant line Notes: The resulting dataframe, depending on the number of countries, will include the following columns: - **branch_id**: the id of the branch - **contingency_id**: the id of the contingency - **country1**: the country id of terminal 1 - **country2**: the country id of terminal 2 - **ac_reference_flow**: the ac reference flow on the line (in MW) - **dc_reference_flow**: the dc reference flow on the line (in MW) - **commercial_flow**: the commercial (or allocated) flow on the line (in MW) - **x_node_flow**: the flow created by unmerged xnodes (in MW) - **pst_flow**: the PST flow on the line (in MW) - **internal_flow**: the internal flow on the line (in MW) - **loop_flow_from_XX**: the loop flow from zone XX on the line (in MW). One column per country This dataframe is indexed on the xnec ID **xnec_id**. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> flow_decomposition_parameters = pp.flowdecomposition.Parameters() >>> load_flow_parameters = pp.loadflow.Parameters() >>> branch_ids = ['NHV1_NHV2_1', 'NHV1_NHV2_2'] >>> flowdecomposition = pp.flowdecomposition.create_decomposition() ... .add_single_element_contingencies(branch_ids) ... .add_monitored_elements(branch_ids, branch_ids) >>>, flow_decomposition_parameters=flow_decomposition_parameters, load_flow_parameters=load_flow_parameters) It outputs something like: ======================= =========== ============== ======== ======== ================= ================= =============== =========== ======== ============= ================= ================= / branch_id contingency_id country1 country2 ac_reference_flow dc_reference_flow commercial_flow x_node_flow pst_flow internal_flow loop_flow_from_be loop_flow_from_fr ======================= =========== ============== ======== ======== ================= ================= =============== =========== ======== ============= ================= ================= xnec_id NHV1_NHV2_1 NHV1_NHV2_1 FR BE 302.444049 300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 0.0 NHV1_NHV2_1_NHV1_NHV2_2 NHV1_NHV2_1 NHV1_NHV2_2 FR BE 610.562161 600.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 0.0 NHV1_NHV2_2 NHV1_NHV2_2 FR BE 302.444049 300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 0.0 NHV1_NHV2_2_NHV1_NHV2_1 NHV1_NHV2_2 NHV1_NHV2_1 FR BE 610.562161 600.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 0.0 ======================= =========== ============== ======== ======== ================= ================= =============== =========== ======== ============= ================= ================= """ fd_p = flow_decomposition_parameters._to_c_parameters() if flow_decomposition_parameters is not None else _pypowsybl.FlowDecompositionParameters() # pylint: disable=protected-access lf_p = load_flow_parameters._to_c_parameters() if load_flow_parameters is not None else _pypowsybl.LoadFlowParameters() # pylint: disable=protected-access res = _pypowsybl.run_flow_decomposition(self._handle, network._handle, fd_p, lf_p) return create_data_frame_from_series_array(res)