
class Parameters(voltage_init_mode=None, transformer_voltage_control_on=None, use_reactive_limits=None, phase_shifter_regulation_on=None, twt_split_shunt_admittance=None, shunt_compensator_voltage_control_on=None, read_slack_bus=None, write_slack_bus=None, distributed_slack=None, balance_type=None, dc_use_transformer_ratio=None, countries_to_balance=None, connected_component_mode=None, provider_parameters=None)[source]#

Parameters for a loadflow execution.

All parameters are first read from you configuration file, then overridden with the constructor arguments.

Please note that loadflow providers may not honor all parameters, according to their capabilities. For example, some providers will not be able to simulate the voltage control of shunt compensators, etc. The exact behaviour of some parameters may also depend on your loadflow provider. Please check the documentation of your provider for that information.

  • voltage_init_mode (pypowsybl._pypowsybl.VoltageInitMode) – The resolution starting point. Use UNIFORM_VALUES for a flat start, and DC_VALUES for a DC load flow based starting point.

  • transformer_voltage_control_on (bool) – Simulate transformer voltage control. The initial tap position is used as starting point for the resolution.

  • use_reactive_limits (bool) – Use reactive limits (named no_generator_reactive_limits with inverted logic before PyPowSyBl 1.3.0).

  • phase_shifter_regulation_on (bool) – Simulate phase shifters regulation.

  • twt_split_shunt_admittance (bool) – Split shunt admittance of transformers on both sides. Change the modelling of transformer legs. If you want to split the conductance and the susceptance in two, one at each side of the serie impedance, use True.

  • shunt_compensator_voltage_control_on (bool) – Simulate voltage control of shunt compensators (named simul_shunt before PyPowSyBl 1.3.0).

  • read_slack_bus (bool) – Read slack bus from the network. The slack bus needs to be defined through a dedicate extension. Prefer False if you want to use your loadflow provider selection mechanism, typically the most meshed bus.

  • write_slack_bus (bool) – Write selected slack bus to the network. Will tag the slack bus selected by your loadflow provider with an extension.

  • distributed_slack (bool) – Distribute active power slack on the network. True means that the active power slack is distributed, on loads or on generators according to balance_type.

  • balance_type (pypowsybl._pypowsybl.BalanceType) – How to distributed active power slack. Use PROPORTIONAL_TO_LOAD to distribute slack on loads, PROPORTIONAL_TO_GENERATION_P_MAX or PROPORTIONAL_TO_GENERATION_P to distribute on generators.

  • dc_use_transformer_ratio (bool) – In DC mode, take into account transformer ratio. Used only for DC load flows, to include ratios in the equation system.

  • countries_to_balance (Sequence[str]) – List of countries participating to slack distribution. Used only if distributed_slack is True.

  • connected_component_mode (pypowsybl._pypowsybl.ConnectedComponentMode) – Define which connected components should be computed. Use MAIN to computes flows only on the main connected component, or prefer ALL for a run on all connected component.

  • provider_parameters (Dict[str, str]) – Define parameters linked to the loadflow provider the names of the existing parameters can be found with method get_provider_parameters_names