Network visualization ===================== Single line diagram ------------------- To create a single line diagram in SVG format from a substation or a voltage level: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> network.write_single_line_diagram_svg('VL4', 'vl4.svg') Or in a Jupyter notebook, the SVG can be directly rendered in the notebook: .. code-block:: python >>> network.get_single_line_diagram('VL4') Note that a loadflow can be run before writing the diagram so that it displays reactive and active powers: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> result = pp.loadflow.run_ac(network) >>> network.write_single_line_diagram_svg('VL4', 'vl4.svg') .. image:: ../_static/images/ieee14_vl4.svg :class: forced-white-background It is also possible to display a multi-substation single line diagram (currently a beta feature): .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> result = pp.loadflow.run_ac(network) >>> network.write_matrix_multi_substation_single_line_diagram_svg([['S1', 'S2'],['S3','S4']], 's1_s2_s3_s4.svg') .. image:: ../_static/images/ieee14_s1_s2_s3_s4.svg :class: forced-white-background Network area diagram -------------------- To create a network area diagram in SVG format for the full network: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> network.write_network_area_diagram_svg('ieee9.svg') Or in a Jupyter notebook, the SVG can be directly rendered in the notebook: .. code-block:: python >>> network.get_network_area_diagram() .. image:: ../_static/images/ieee9.svg :class: forced-white-background To render only a part of the network, we can specify a voltage level ID as the center of the sub network and a depth to control the size of the sub network: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> network.write_network_area_diagram_svg('ieee300.svg', 'VL1', 1) .. image:: ../_static/images/ieee300_subnetwork_vl1.svg :class: forced-white-background Nominal voltage bounds can be defined to further filter the output network: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> network.write_network_area_diagram_svg('ieee300.svg', 'VL1', 1, low_nominal_voltage_bound=90, high_nominal_voltage_bound=240) .. image:: ../_static/images/ieee300_subnetwork_vl1_filtered.svg :class: forced-white-background If no voltage level ID is given as an input, only nominal voltage bounds are used to filter the network: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> network.write_network_area_diagram_svg('ieee30.svg', low_nominal_voltage_bound=90, high_nominal_voltage_bound=240) .. image:: ../_static/images/ieee30_subnetwork_filtered_no_vl_id.svg :class: forced-white-background Note that similarly to single-line diagrams, a loadflow can be run before writing the diagram so that it displays active powers, for instance: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> result = pp.loadflow.run_ac(network) >>> network.write_network_area_diagram_svg('ieee9.svg') Network-area diagrams can be customized through NadParameters: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> nad = network.get_network_area_diagram('VL6', nad_parameters=NadParameters(edge_name_displayed=True, id_displayed=True, edge_info_along_edge=False, power_value_precision=1, angle_value_precision=0, current_value_precision=1, voltage_value_precision=0, bus_legend=False, substation_description_displayed=True)) - edge_name_displayed: if true, names along lines and transformer legs are displayed (default value false) - id_displayed: if true, the equipment ids are displayed. If false, the equipment names are displayed (if a name is null, then the id is displayed) (default value false) - edge_info_along_edge: if true, the edge information (P or Q values for example) is displayed alongside the edge. If false, the edge information is displayed perpendicularly to the edge (default value true) - power_value_precision: number of digits after the decimal point for power values (default value 0) - angle_value_precision: number of digits after the decimal point for angle values (default value 1) - current_value_precision: number of digits after the decimal point for current values (default value 0) - voltage_value_precision: number of digits after the decimal point for voltage values(default value 1) - bus_legend: if true, angle and voltage values associated to a voltage level are displayed in a text box. If false, only the voltage level name is displayed (default value true) - substation_description_displayed: if true, the substation name is added to the voltage level info on the diagram (default value false) In order to get a list of the displayed voltage levels from an input voltage level (or an input list of voltage levels) and a depth: .. code-block:: python >>> network = >>> list_vl = network.get_network_area_diagram_displayed_voltage_levels('VL1', 1)